
"Generations" is a community chorus serving the Satellite community.  Membership is comprised of parents and guardians of Satellite music students, faculty and staff, prominent community members, and current chorus students.  This choir provides the opportunity for students and adults to model and enjoy the music-making process together.  All non-student participants must complete a volunteer clearance with the school board before attending rehearsals. 

This ensemble performs as part of our school’s winter and spring concerts.  Rehearsals are hosted in the Satellite High School chorus room on Monday nights, and a published rehearsal schedule will be provided to cleared participants.

To Join:

  1. Let Mr. Albright know you are interested in singing (all levels are welcomed!) (

  2. Set an appointment with District and School Security: *If you are a teacher or current BPS staff member, security clearance is not required!

  3. Forward to Mr. Albright a copy of your Raptor clearance (you will get an email informing you of your cleared status - typically within two weeks of starting the process)

  4. Rehearsals run 7PM-8:15Pm on Monday school nights. You do not have to be at all rehearsals to participate.

This fall, we are beginning Monday night rehearsals on October 7 to prepare a multimovement work for the Winter Concert - Daniel Pinkham's Christmas Cantata

Updated information will be available at

Thanks to all that participated in the past, and I’m excited to continue this unique opportunity for our community, again, this year!


Kevin Albright, Director of Satellite High School Chorus
