Stevenson's Before & After School Program maintains a safe and healthy environment beyond the school day that encourages children to participate in a variety of activities while being supervised by caring, qualified staff. Children have time to socialize with peers, eat an afternoon snack, join in organizational games, partake in a free play inside an outside, and choose from a variety of age appropriate activities. The program also provides and organized space with supervision for homework.
Child Care Information
Phone: 321-454-3550 office 51817 café 51889
Morning Hours: 6:30-8:45am
Afternoon Hours: 3:30-6:00pm
Early Release Afternoon Hours: 2:15-6:00pm
Closed on non-school days and breaks.
Reading at Home Support
Learning to read begins at home through everyday interactions with children, long before they attend school. Supporting literacy development as children enter elementary school and progress through grades positively affects their reading ability. The Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast (REL-SE) provides family activities with easy-to-follow instructions to help children practice foundational reading skills at home. Foundational skills include oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Phonological awareness, alphabetic skills and language skills are the best predictors of early reading success (B.E.S.T., Appendix E, p. 206). There are short family videos for tips and support on how to use the activities to help children grow as readers. Using the family activities at home can help children develop language, link sounds to letters, blend letters and word parts to read and write the words and ultimately read for understanding.