Media Center
Book Fair Permission Form
For Literati and Scholastic Book Fairs
Feb. 20-23, 2024
May 13-17, 2024
Students must have a signed, uploaded form to enter Book Fairs, browse, create wish lists, and shop the Book Fair.
SSYRA Book Club Meets on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays for grades 3-5 at 8:05 in the Media Center.
SSYRA Book Club Meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays for grade 6 at 8:05 in the Media Center.
To participate, both forms/permission slips below must be signed and returned.
Parent Letter/Permission slip SSYRA Parent Letter
District Club/Activity Permission slip District Form
A Letter to Families: Access to Resources and Services in the School Library Media Program
Search Stevenson's Media Center collection
BPS Collection Development Procedures
Providing access to materials supporting the varied needs and interests of Stevenson's learners.
Creating a community of student excellence in communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative skills.
All students in grades K-6 have dedicated time to browse and check out books during their scheduled class time at the Media Center.
Library Loan Policies:
Kindergarten - may borrow 1 books for 2 weeks
First Grade - Sixth Grade - may borrow 2 books for 2 weeks
Students may renew books as long as the books are not on reserve. Sunshine State Reader books may only be renewed once. There are no late fees for overdue books. However, fees will be charged for lost and damaged books. The fee is based on the media center’s cost to replace the book. Payment may be made by check made out to R.L. Stevenson Elementary School or by cash.
Ebooks are available through Destiny Discover and Sora. The Follett Destiny and Sora apps are located on BPS Launchpad.
Parents/guardians can look up a student's account to see checked out items and due dates.
Parents/guardians may share personal requests or restrictions to be documented on their child’s computer record. This is an option intended to support parent requests during book checkout. Please submit requests through email.

Mrs. Monroe ext. 51806
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