Welcome to THS College & Career Headquarters!

Devyn Hanson
College and Career Specialist
Visit the College and Career website here: https://tinyurl.com/THS-College-Career

NEW!!: The College and Career Center (1-131) is open during all three lunches – stop in during your lunch to eat, study, complete applications, or talk to Mrs. Hanson.
Utilize the College and Career Website (link above) to access information on all things college and career! The website is updated weekly, so be sure to check back often. Helpful topics include:
Four-Year Timeline for College-Bound Students
Bright Futures Information
Career Research
College Application Help
Trade School Information
Available Scholarships
Links to Register for the SAT, ACT, and CLT
College Fairs
Military Options
Field Trip Opportunities
On-Campus Events
Appointment Requests