Florida Future Educators Of America (Fea) Club

Ms. Amy Teed
Florida Future Educators is a pre-collegiate teacher recruitment program. We explore careers in education through meetings, service projects, attending professional development workshops, and competing at both the district and state levels. The competition involves categories such as writing and teaching a lesson plan, giving a speech, completing an educational research project, creating a chapter display, and creating a video.
In 2022-2023, our club won awards at both the district competition (speech 2nd, lesson 1st plan, display board 1st, and research project 2nd ) and in the state competition (research project 3rd and display board 5th.) Ms. Teed was also selected as a presenter at the state conference for the professional development piece.
In 2021-2022, our club attended only the district conference and won awards (speech 1st, lesson plan 1st, and research project 1st.)
If you are interested in a career in education, please reach out to Ms . Teed to find out when our next meeting is. We would love to have you.