Drip Line

Tropical Elementary is proud to announce an award of $708 by winning a Blue School Grant from the St. Johns River Water Management District.  The mission of the Blue School Grant is for students to develop an appreciation for Florida’s water, an understanding of water as a limited resource, and a water ethic that they can foster throughout their lifetime.   

Tropical fifth graders participating in the Horizons Academy are in the process of planning, measuring, and installing dripline irrigation along garden beds behind 17 classrooms.  The students have learned about the importance of conserving water and compared many types of watering methods.  They are selecting the different types of nozzles to install along the tubing for most effective watering.  Timers will help ensure that plants get what they need during our hot summer months.  Students anticipate this will assist our gardens to bloom all year long.  More native plants will be added to the gardens as time goes on. 

This has been an ongoing project since the pandemic and the final phase in beautifying the ample green spaces behind each classroom.  Thank you to the St. Johns River Water Management district for selecting this project to fund!