321-632-1770 ext. 28222
321-632-1770 ext. 28222
Transition Planning for Military Families
Registration: At Viera High School, we align our registration process with that of Brevard Public Schools. Please be sure to reach out to our front office at 321-632-1770 to ensure you have everything you need to register your incoming child.
Additionally, here are a few tips to help make your child's transition to Viera High School smoother:
Link to the enrollment of checklist for Brevard Public Schools: NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION (
Ask your child's current school for your child's records to be sent to Viera High School if you already know our school is where you and your family will enroll.
If your child is receiving Exceptional Education Services, ask your child's current school for a copy of their Individualized Education Plan, 504 etc.
Have these items in advance:
Government issued identification
Proof of Residency
Patrick SFB School Liaison contact information:
Susan Clark, School Liaison Program Manager
On Facebook @ PatrickCYES.SLO (a free 24/7 resource for military families of all branches of service providing a variety of assistance, resources, and tools) (Resource and information on available Before/After School military childcare) (Provides resources and information appropriate for younger children on military related topics such as moving, deployment, etc.) [Applicable only for elementary school]
Academic Planning for Military Families
Information regarding academic standards and opportunities, graduation requirements, DE and AP course offerings, applicable CTE programs, etc. for Brevard Public schools can be found in the Student Progression Plan on the BPS Curriculum and Instruction website.
CTE Options at Viera High School
Dental Aide
Exercise Science
Digital Info Technology
Digital Media Foundation
Early Childhood (Application Needed)
Nutrition and Food Science
Principles of Food Prep/Nutrition
Web Programming/Java Script Programming (AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A)
TV Production
Student Government (Application Needed)
Yearbook (Application Needed) Scholarship resources available to students in Florida in a variety of categories (tax credit, unique abilities, New Worlds reading, Hope, transportation, etc.)
College and Career PlanningMilitary Family Resources (Purple Star Program Free tutoring and test preparation resources for eligible military dependents
Tutoring Currently Available at Viera High School:
Geometry Tutoring (AM)
Mu Alpha Theta-Peer Tutoring for Math Tutoring (PM)
(see: Annie Roe for additional information email:
National Honor Society (NHS) tutoring (multiple subjects)-PM
NHS Sat Tutoring (Math & Reading)-PM (select dates only)-Mr. Bryan Vincent
Open Lab Daily-Before and After School-Mr. David Formanek
Algebra 2 (Mu Alpha Theta help)-Thursdays 8a. to first bell- Ms. Amy Brown
AP Environmental Science (Tues: 3:30-4:30p. Thurs-8:00-8:45a.-Mr. Jacob Stefonek
Chemistry Tutoring-Tues/Thurs 8-8:30a.m. and by appointment before/after school-Ms. Sutton
Algebra 1-Thurs. 8-8:40-Mrs. Keah Monroe
Spanish Honor Society- Spanish Tutoring
All Math-Weds (3:30-4:30p.)-Mrs. Shannon O'Boyle
Algebra 1-Tues/Thurs-8-8:40-Mr. Jason Custer
Resources and Educational Opportunities for Military Children Information on the Military Interstate Compact and resources available for eligible transitioning military dependents Free tutoring and test preparation and essay review resources for eligible military dependents Free shared story time resources to keep children and parents connected during a deployment
Viera High School offers JROTC. Please reach out to our JROTC Instructors - Sergeant First Class Carl Thomas (ext. 28004)
Lieutenant Colonel Todd Balog (ext. 28004) for more information about getting your child enrolled.
Military One Source- Active-duty military resource website. Visit or call 800-342-9647 for more information.
For additional support our Guidance Department Chair is Madeline Contreras. She can be reached at ext. 28093
Clubs at Viera High School Club Point of Contact: Cheryl Draves ext. 28047
These are some of the clubs currently available at Viera High School:
AP Literature Club
Art Club
Arts and Crafts Club
AYLA (Asian Youth Leadership Association)
Chess Club
Computer Science
ental Club
Disc Golf Club
Environmental Club
Fashion Club
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
FFEA (Florida Future Educators of America)
(For a complete list of clubs, club sponsors, dates and meeting times, please reach out to Cheryl Draves.)
Student Led Transition Program
BPS is committed to ensuring a peer-led, safe, and positive transition for students from military families into our schools. For support, please contact the Military Point of Contact listed at the top of this webpage.
Viera High School's Student-led Transition Team is made up of JROTC students ready and willing to assist your child in navigating their new surroundings, acclimating to the school culture as a whole, and ensuring that your child has student/peer connections during their process. If you are new to Viera High School and a Military Family, please reach out to our JROTC Instructors (see contact information below) so that they can provide specific information to you upon your arrival.
JROTC Instructor - Sergeant First Class Carl Thomas (ext. 28004)
Lieutenant Colonel Todd Balog (ext. 28004)
JROTC website:
Information on Exceptional Education Services
Brittany Sleeth is Viera High School's ESE Support Specialist’s. She is the contact for all IEP and 504 students.
Brevard Public Schools provides a range of ESE resources, including school-specific support for families navigating transitions with IEPs and 504 plans. For more information, please visit the BPS Exceptional Education Services website.
Department of Air Force EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program Information)
Information on the mental health challenges facing military students, including ways to access school-based mental health services
Brevard Public Schools offers Psychological and Mental Health Services to all students, including those in military families. These school-based mental health services, along with many other resources, are available at the Mental Wellness website or at
Military Family Life Counselor - Arleen Francis
Phone- 321-522-7075
Patrick SFB installation Military Family Life Counselor information: CYB MFLC Robert Updegrove 321-474-1530 (schools w/ MFLC on campus are Holland ES, Sea Park ES, Roosevelt ES, Quest ES, DeLaura MS, Satellite HS and Viera HS)]
Upcoming Military Recognition Events
Click this link for upcoming events and JROTC news
September 11, 2024- Color Guard Memorial Ceremony in remembrance of 9-11 Victims, Families and First Responders
September 13, 2024- Friday Night Lights-Celebrating our Military Active Duty/Retired/Veterans
November 8, 2024-Wear Red, White, Blue and Camo to show support for Veterans! (November 11th is Veterans Day!)
April 17, 2025-Purple Up Day during Month of the Military Child-We wear purple to show support for military kids.
Military Digital Display-To show honor to our military this display runs throughout the year on our digital screens located in various areas throughout our campus.