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Medication Rules: Florida Statutes 1006.062 and the Brevard county School Board

1.    A separate permission form must be completed for each mediation given at school.  Forms must be signed by the parent/guardian.
2.    When completing permission forms, please make sure that your instructions match the pharmacy label or manufacturer label.
3.    All medications must be brought in by an adult and be in the ORIGINAL container with the manufacturer or pharmacy label in place.
4.    Non-prescription medication will be treated the same (including items such as cough drops).
5.    For your legal protection and according to Board Policy, children CANNOT transport medication to and from school.

Students in the Clinic

Clinic facilities are not available for extended periods of time. Children who are unable to return to class will need to go home. Injuries and illness that occur outside of school hours need to be treated before the child returns to school. It is extremely important to have current phone numbers and other emergency contact information on file.  In the event of an emergency, injury or illness, we must have someone to contact. If a student needs to be excused from physical education because of a physical limitation, please submit a written note to the teacher. Continued limitations will re-require a doctor’s written excuse on file.

Sick Children and Staying Home
Deciding whether to keep your student home on a school day is a difficult decision parents will be faced with during the school year. Please use these basic guidelines to assist you in your decision-making. Consider keeping your child home if he or she has a fever of 100.4 or higher, has been vomiting or suffering from diarrhea, or has symptoms that prevent him or her from participating in school activities such as excessive tiredness, persistent cough/sneezing, body aches, etc. Also, the Florida DOH recommends sick students stay home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on medication for at least 48 hours before being considered non-contagious and able to return to school. Students who become ill or injured while at school will be brought to the clinic. Parents will be asked to pick up children with elevated temperatures, upset stomachs, and other injuries not treatable with a Band-Aid or ice pack.

Head Lice

Always remember that the best prevention of head lice is to educate parents, teachers, and children about how lice is spread. Checking your child’s hair as a normal part of your hygiene routine is another way to assist in prevention. Please note that our procedures require if a child is found to have live head lice, the child must go home and be treated. Upon return to school, the child must be accompanied by a guardian to the school clinic to have a head check performed. If live lice are found, the student will need to go home and the process will need to be repeated. If nits are found, the student will be readmitted and checked again in 8-10 days. If no nits are found, further assessment will not be needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to follow up with your school nurse.