
Viera Elementary welcomes all visitors and volunteers onto the campus with proper identification. We use a system that was developed to conduct a National Sex Offender Registry check on every person when they sign in with their driver license at any Brevard County School. This is in direct response to the community’s request for improved security in our schools. To ensure the safety of our children, all visitors and volunteers must undergo certain safety checks. Anyone wishing to be on school property during school hours must use their driver license to sign in at the front desk. A badge with the visitor’s legal name will be printed to be worn on an upper garment visible to staff and students. This safety requirement is in place so that the school staff is aware of all visitors on campus at all times.
Volunteers play an important role in the daily operations of Brevard Public Schools. We appreciate all the help our volunteers give our students, teachers, and schools. All volunteers receive a background check as a part of the volunteer registration process. Additional information to become a registered volunteer can be found at the District's Security webpage.