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Panther Football's Game Schedule

Important Athletic Information
Athletic registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open on Athletic Clearance Website
The School Board of Brevard County is requiring that all student athletes in grades 9-12, who plan to participate in high school-sponsored athletics, to have an ECG screening.
Please have your reviewing physician complete and sign the BPS ECG screening form which is located in the ‘Important Documents’ section of this page.
If you have previously had an ECG completed since entering high school, the form must still be completed and returned with the box checked stating that your ECG is on file.
Please upload all forms to your clearance account.
Home School & Other Non-Traditional Student information
The FHSAA allows for some exemptions for students not attending a FHSAA member school participation in High School athletics. These include students who are Home Schooled, those attending Charter Schools, Private Schools, or other Non-Traditional schools, or are full-time students through FLVS. Please see the individual sections below.
According to FHSAA By-law 9.2, students not attending their zoned high school are afforded the opportunity to participate in the athletic program at their zoned schools provided certain requirements are met.
1) Meet all other FHSAA eligibility requirements that zoned students must meet: academic, behavioral, residency, age, attendance, or additional eligibility requirements set forth by the FHSAA.
2) Register intent to participate in Interscholastic Athletics prior to participation in a sport and prior to the first official day of practice for said sport according to the FHSAA calendar.
3) Completion of appropriate FHSAA eligibility forms.