Welcome to Heritage!
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our Military Families to our Panther community! We are so honored to have your family in our community and we thank you for your service to our country.
We know that moving schools is a big transition, but it is our hope that we can make it as smooth as possible. When you come to Heritage, a school counselor will meet with your student to welcome them. The school counselor will review transcripts, answer questions, and draft a class schedule. Once those steps are completed, we will offer a student-led tour of the school. Student-led tours will give your student the opportunity to ask about the Panther community, our traditions, and student-life.
We hope to make you feel welcomed and honored that your child is a Panther!

Ms. Shammeeza Jameer, Military Liaison
Phone: 321-722-4178 ext. 29012
Email: jameer.shammeeza@brevardschools.org
Military Contacts