On Tuesday, March 4, Stone staff wore RED for EDucation to join with teachers across the country in support of supporting education!
about 15 hours ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Stone staff and teachers wearing Red for Ed.
The BPS Student Climate Survey is your chance to be part of improving our school. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions. . Your feedback is very important to us! Please take a moment to make your voice heard! https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/558213708/survey
1 day ago, Go-Pher Stone!
bps school climate survey
The next FAST Track Saturday School session is Saturday, March 8 from 8:30-11:30! Spend time engaging in our hands-on lessons and/or get homework help. To-go Papa John's lunch now offered after all FAST Track days. https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2769282/districts/7075
1 day ago, Go-Pher Stone!
fast track to success saturdays
There will be a free Family Empowerment Workshop on Saturday, March 29 at the Greater Allen Chapel AME Church on Lipscomb. Please RSVP at https://shorturl.at/uLCq0 . See attached image for more details.
3 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
family empowerment workship
Congratulations to all of the Stone track team members that participated in the county championships on Friday, February 28! It was a fantastic end to a great season. Thank you to all the students and coaches for their hard work!
4 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
pictures from the county track championships
On Friday, February 28, Stone hosted an invitation only event organized by Ms. McKnight to celebrate Black History Month. A large crowd turned out to enjoy singing, music, painting, sculpting, a living wax museum and more! Thank you to all who participated and attended!
5 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
black history month celebration pictures
Please use the link to see this week`s Stone Gopher Gazette- Principal`s Report: https://secure.smore.com/n/5hqkp Thank you! Principal Feronti Williams
5 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
principal’s newsletter
On Thursday, February 27, Stone had a ceremony dedicating and naming the gymnasium to Ms. Ruby Mae Jackson. Several speakers shared fond memories and stories of Ms. Ruby. In addition, Ms. McKnight organized a Talent Showcase of several groups of students to entertain the crowd!
5 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
gym dedication and talent show pictures
Ms. Knowles did an engaging, hands-on science lesson on Wednesday with her classes testing the SPF quality of lotions!
9 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
spf sunscreen lab
Reminder, tonight is our free and open to the public Black History Talent Show and gym dedication to Ms. Ruby Mae Jackson. The naming ceremony begins at 5:30pm in the gym, followed by the Talent Show at 6pm. All are welcome!!!
10 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
talent show at 6pm
After two years of fundraising and the dedicated work of a group of invested individuals, the Stone Magnet Middle School gym has finally received the official signage to honor Ms. Ruby Mae Jackson. A fitting memorial to a woman who dedicated a large part of her life to Stone and its students! Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, February 27 at 5:30pm for the dedication ceremony!
11 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Stone gym dedication
Stone gym dedication
name dedication
Stone families, PLEASE make your voices heard! Go to your parent FOCUS account and give your student permission to participate in the Climate Survey. This gives us the opportunity to hear directly from the source, your children, what is and is not working!!!
11 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
client survey permission...log into your parent focus account
Please use the link to see this week's Stone Gopher Gazette- Principal's Report: https://secure.smore.com/n/23r4z Thank you! Principal Feronti Williams
12 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
principal weekly newsletter
The next sport is coming soon to Stone! Volleyball clinic/practice will begin March 3. Competitions are every Tuesday in April. For Open Gym and tryouts, please view this attached flyer: https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2824347/districts/7075.
13 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
volleyball open gym and tryouts
volleyball schedule
Stone female students were invited to spend the day touring Collins Aerospace while learning about the many aspects of engineering careers in action.
14 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Girls In Engineering Field Trip
Girls In Engineering Field Trip
Girls In Engineering Field Trip
Stone students in Ms. Grabowski's avid classes had a fantastic time at Palm Bay Magnet High School on Tuesday. They learned so much about Palm Bay's AVID program, many of the other programs at Palm Bay. Plus, they left with some great swag!
15 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
avid students at Palm Bay High school
The official ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Melbourne Founders Park will be Saturday, February 22 from 11:AM until 2:30PM. See image for full details.
16 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
ribbon cutting ceremony February 22 at 11 AM
Stone will be having an evening Black History Showcase including the gym naming dedication in honor of Ms. Ruby Mae Jackson on Thursday, February 27th beginning at 5:30pm in the Stone Gym. Please see image for more details.
17 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Stone Black History Month Showcase
Stone will be celebration Black History Month the week of February 24th through 28th with Spirit Week dress-up events. Please see image for full details!
18 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
black history month spirit week dress up days
Please use the link to see this week's Stone Gopher Gazette- Principal's Report: https://secure.smore.com/n/g8zty Thank you! Principal Feronti Williams
18 days ago, Go-Pher Stone!
principles gopher, gazette weekly newsletter