Princpal Message

Stevenson Families,

Our Penguins sure looked great today as they were dressed for success. The first and second grade students enjoyed their movie premiere day and we also celebrated our amazing volunteers today. This week sure was awesome!

Next week is sure to be a busy one too. Bike & Roll to School Day is taking place on Tuesday, 5/7/24. We invite you to participate with your kiddos by skipping the car loop and biking, rolling, or simply walking to school to promote safe and active transportation! We will meet Coach Dwyer at the Kelly Park pavilion at 8:15am so we can travel to school together. We hope you can join us!

Also, next week the fifth-grade students take the state science assessment on Wednesday and our Tapestry of Sight and Sound is on Thursday beginning at 4:30pm. We hope to see everyone there as we enjoy our kiddos’ musical and artistic growth.

Don’t forget that Staff Appreciation week begins on Monday. The flyer of events the Parent Group has planned for the week is attached.

That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoy your weekend. We’ll see you Monday in the car loop!

Mrs. Fleeger

2023 - 2024 RLS Families: Car Loop Volunteer Opportunities (