Principal Message

Stevenson Families,

What a wonderful week of spoiling you all gave us! Notes, flowers, coffee truck, lunch, and gifts galore, we sure feel appreciated. Thank you all for your generosity.

We enjoyed the showcase of our Penguins’ musical and artistic talents last night at the Tapestry of Sight and Sound. Our students also participated in the Meritt Island String Concert on Wednesday. It has been a joy to watch our students grow and develop their abilities. I am so thankful we can provide them so many opportunities to shine.

The Book Fair begins on Monday. Please see the attached Book Fair shopping schedule and information from Mrs. Monroe. Let’s get some reading material in the hands of our kiddos for the summer. Reading is so important for their continued academic growth.

We want to wish all mothers a wonderful and happy Mother’s Day this weekend. I hope that you are pampered by your kiddos.

That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoy your weekend. We’ll see you Monday in the car loop!

Mrs. Fleeger

2023 - 2024 RLS Families: Car Loop Volunteer Opportunities (