Principal Message

Dear Stevenson Families,

What an incredible week it has been! We've seen so much excitement and learning in our classrooms, and we're thrilled to share some highlights:

Read-a-Thon Success: Our Read-a-Thon is off to a fantastic start! Mrs. Park's Kindergarten class is currently leading the way - keep up the great work, penguins! This is a wonderful opportunity to nurture your child's love of reading while raising money to support curriculum enhancement for our school. The Read-A-Thon will run from August 19th through September 13th, 2024. Follow the link below to register and find information on managing your child's reading log and pledges/donations, as well as see what prizes your child can earn.

Book Fair Fun: The Book Fair has been a huge success, and we've loved watching students and families expand their home libraries.

Open House Delight: We had a wonderful turnout at Open House last night! It was fantastic to connect with so many of you and share information about the school year.

Looking ahead to next week:

FAST Testing: Our 3rd-6th grade students will be taking the state FAST test on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will provide important baseline data for their academic progress.

Science Fair Meeting: All 4th-6th grade families are invited to a Science Fair informational meeting on Thursday, August 29th, at 4:15 PM in the PAB.

Car Loop Volunteers: A huge shout-out to Michelle Myers for assisting with car loop each morning and afternoon the past two weeks. You are so appreciated! Families, please know that we are in need of two volunteers each morning and afternoon to assist with the smooth operation of car loop. Special "FAST PASS" privileges will be awarded for volunteering a full week at a time. The link to sign up is

Speaking of car loop, we have seen a few driving behaviors that are impacting our efficiency and safety. Please remember to pull all the way behind the car in front of you when in the loop. Also, students must be able to enter and exit the car on their own. At no time should an adult get out of their car when in the loop. We also need to ensure that all families use the crosswalk by the red book box during arrival and dismissal. By all families following these few simple rules, we can keep our car loop speedy and safe.

Well, that's it for this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'll see you Monday in the car loop!


Mrs. Fleeger