Looking Ahead: Europe Trip 2026
by Caris Crespo
In 2026, the French Club and Honor Society will be taking a trip to different places in Europe including Paris. This trip allows for students to experience things they may never have been able to. Many will even experience Europe for the first time. Taylor SIlvernail, a junior said,” I have never been to Europe before, I'm really excited because I've never experienced an international flight.” Preparing to be in a real world situation of actually using French can be difficult for some since not many people speak it in the US.
However, students can be prepared to interact in different situations with the practice they experience during class time. SIlvernail said, “Presentations and our partners' dialogues definitely help.” Learning the language can be difficult for some people but after all practice really does make perfect. Although the trip is in different places, many say that Paris is the highlight of the trip. “ I am most excited for Paris because I've always wanted to see the Eiffel tower, Louvre, and Notre-Dame," said Taylor. Since it is the center of attention many people build up excitement for that part of the trip.
Madame Rebecca Courtois, the French teacher, said, “I am always most excited for Paris with my students of course. It is everything we talk about in class.” In class students don't just learn the Language but they are also introduced to a concept of French culture. Courtois said, “Paris is the language, the culture, and the history all wrapped in one. Paris is almost my own personal story. It is the reason I started studying French, brought me to where I am today, and I still consider my second home. So I am always most excited to see Paris with my students.” But there's also a first time for everything. Courtois also shared, “I am also very excited about Scotland because it will be my first time in Scotland." So just like many students, she will be experiencing something she's never seen before.
Planning something this extravagant doesn't just happen all on its own, it takes lots of planning and effort to all string together. Courtois said, “ I do work with a student travel company, EF, which makes it a lot easier.” Though Courtois doesn't do it all on her own it is still a lot of work to plan it all out. Courtois also shared, “ I still do a lot of my own prep work too. I do research on the best places to see and the best places to eat in each city we will be visiting.” That is a lot of extremely detailed and throughout work but it all comes together to form something that each student will remember forever.