Staff member Mrs vanessa manning and her Daughter Rachel Manning described how it is having a mother and daughter bond at school

Article: Employee & Daughter Duo on Campus

by Kayla Grant

Some people might not like having their mom or daughter at school with them, but for Mrs. Vanessa Manning and her daughter, Rachel Manning, they would say otherwise.  Mrs V. Manning, the dean's clerk at Melbourne High School, said, “I love having my daughter here at school with me and love seeing her.”  Mrs. V.Manning also expressed how she really likes knowing where her daughter is and knowing that she is safe.

You would think separating school and personal life would be hard for some people, but in this case, Mrs V. Manning and her daughter R. Manning do it well.  They try their best to keep their personal life separate from their work life at the school. Mrs V. Manning doesn't allow her daughter R. Manning to see her as much as she likes, but R. Manning said, “I like having her here, it's nice knowing I could go to her if I'm having a bad day at school.”  This gives her peace of mind knowing that her mom is always here for her. Mrs. V. Manning would describe the experience of working at the school her daughter attends is very nice because she's able to get direct contact with all the teachers and know all her daughter needs.