Today is Flag Day! Flag Day is celebrated to honor the day in 1777 when the flag was officially recognized by the United States.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
flag day
Congratulations and welcome to Stone's new Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Kierra Lang! Ms. Lang will begin her position at Stone on July 1.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Ms. Williams and Ms. Lang
new appointees
Tryout for Stone's Cheer and Dance teams for the 24-25 school year. Packets will be in Stone's front office and on our website under athletics. You MUST have a packet to tryout. Please see flyer for details.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Cheer and Dance Tryouts
Today is Best Friends Day! Text your BFF and tell them all the things you value about your friendship with them.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
national best friends day
Looking for a great place to teach? Come join Stone where our faculty and staff feel like family. It's a great place to make a difference in the lives of students. Call 321-723-0741 for more details.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
open teaching positions at stone
Did you know that June 6 is National Higher Education Day? Take some time to research and explorer colleges and universities you might like to attend someday!
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
national higher education day
Today is National Pen Pal Day! When was the last time your wrote a letter and mailed it? Send a letter or even just a short note in the mail to a friend or family member. Tell them about your summer and let them know you were thinking of them.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
national pen pal day
Final grades have been posted for the school year. Visit for full step-by-step instructions on how to view your student's grades.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
view final grades
If you are interested in participating in the Palm Bay Magnet High School Marching Pirates next year, this is some information about band camp.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
PBMHS marching Pirates band camp information
Thank you to all who have and are currently serving in our armed forces.
9 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
in honor of all who serve for Memorial Day
Have a GREAT Summer Break!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Summer Break
May 24 is an early release exam day and the last day of school for students.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
May 24 Exam
May 23 is an early release exam day.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
May 23
May 22 is an early release exam day.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
May 22 Exam
May 21 is 4th period exams. This is a regular release day.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
May 21 Exam
Students are NOT allowed to bring back packs on May 22, 23 and 24. If they bring a backpack to school it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Backpacks not allowed
Current 2023-2024 7th Grade students avoid the summer educational slump by securing an avoid the summer slide bag before they are all gone. Summer Slide Bags are filled with a variety of student and family educational materials to help keep the learning continuing all summer long. Supplies are limited. First come, first served! Secure your bag by scanning the code on this flyer. Must make a reservation and mention the student's name at pick-up. Parents/Alternative Adults can pick up bags from the front office on the Monday selected in this form. Any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Gates or Ms. Harris: or Copy and paste
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
avoid the summer slide registration
End of the year exams are right around the corner! Make sure you study, get plenty of rest, eat breakfast, and be on time!!!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Exam Schedule
BPS is once again offering Summer Enrichment Activities at many of our local schools. There are four being offered right here at Stone. View our attached flyer and click here for more information about all of the exciting summer programs!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Summer Activities at Stone
Pick up GradVenture students at 1:30am at Stone!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!