End of the year exams are right around the corner! Make sure you study, get plenty of rest, eat breakfast, and be on time!!!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Exam Schedule
BPS is once again offering Summer Enrichment Activities at many of our local schools. There are four being offered right here at Stone. View our attached flyer and click here for more information about all of the exciting summer programs! https://tinyurl.com/4ccx79jd
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Summer Activities at Stone
Pick up GradVenture students at 1:30am at Stone!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Please congratulate the following students who will represent the 8th grade next year in Student Council!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
SGA Officer Voting
As Ms. Grabowski moves forward in her journey of America’s Favorite Teacher, please consider voting for her. She is gearing up for the semi-finals. To do that, her current place of 9th must move to 1st by 7PM tonight. If you wish to support this effort, here is the link: https://americasfavteacher.org/2024/melissa-grabowski
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
We wish Mr. Shupe all the best as he heads off into his Endless Summer after 42 years teaching at Stone! We were able to surprise him with a retirement luncheon and the unexpected appearance of his family members and former colleagues. @brevardschools @brevardpublicschools
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Shupe Family
Check out some of the amazing science opportunities available at for our Stone students this summer!Images cut off? Click here: https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2683063/schools/62714
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Engineering Summer Camp
Summer STEM Camp
Science Research
GE Vernova Girls STEAM Camp
Stone's Spring Music Concert at PBMHS Auditorium begins at 7pm tonight!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Congratulations to Rylee Frazer for winning 3rd place for the MSEL Atlantic Gold Bracket for the Spring Brawlhalla 2024 Season! @brevardpublicschools @brevardschools
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
3rd place win!
playing for 3rd place
Thank you so much to the businesses listed below for making our Teacher Appreciation Week at Stone absolutely FANTASTIC!!! We appreciate all of the wonderfully kind and thoughtful people who helped to make the week extra special for our teachers! @brevardschools @brevardpublicschools Trinity Church- providing Chick-fil-A breakfast. A Mother's Touch Movers- providing lunch from Aves' Place (previously Promise Cafe and Bakery) at West Melbourne Community Park. ITG Realty- providing lunch from Aves' Place (previously Promise Cafe and Bakery) at West Melbourne Community Park and gift basket to raffle. Southern Caramel- providing large box of delicious, salted caramels. Chick-fil-A Palm Bay Rd. - providing breakfast chicken biscuits and large fruit platter. Wawa- US1 Melbourne- providing breakfast sandwiches, doughnuts and coffee. Black Box Sauce Co.- providing jar sauce giveaways.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Mother's Touch and  ITG Realty
Trinity Church
Krispy Kreme
Southern Caramel
Thank you!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
happy mother's day
Want to know more about STEAM and MakerSpace at Stone? Check out this video by our AMAZING Mr. Shupe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A3_2_KCzyw
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
makerspace experience director mr. shupe
Happy Nurse's Day to Stone's Nurse Bloom. We celebrated her with sweets to match her sweetness! Thank you for all you do for our students aches and booboos! @brevardpublicschools
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, May is our Civics End of Course Exam for our 7th grade students. Please do your best to get them to school by 9:15am so your student can get breakfast. Also, we respectfully request that you avoid checking them out before 1:00pm on testing days. All students have the ability to take up to a full day to complete their test, but the test must be completed on the same day they begin.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
civics eoc test
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, May 8 is our FAST Science Test for our 8th grade students. Please do your best to get them to school by 9:15am so your student can get breakfast. Also, we respectfully request that you avoid checking them out before 1:00pm on testing days. All students have the ability to take up to a full day to complete their test, but the test must be completed on the same day they begin.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
fast science test
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7 is our FAST PM 3 8th grade Math Test and our End of Course Exams for Algebra and Geometry. Please do your best to get them to school by 9:15am so your student can get breakfast. Also, we respectfully request that you avoid checking them out before 1:00pm on testing days. All students have the ability to take up to a full day to complete their test, but the test must be completed on the same day they begin.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
8th grade math and algebra and geometry eoc tests
This week, May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
teacher appreciation week is may 6-10
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Monday, May 6 is our FAST PM 3 Math Test for our 7th grade students. Please do your best to get them to school by 9:15am so your student can get breakfast. Also, we respectfully request that you avoid checking them out before 1:00pm on testing days. All students have the ability to take up to a full day to complete their test, but the test must be completed on the same day they begin.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
FAST 7th grade math
Stone's Science Boot Camp is tomorrow, Saturday, May 4 from 9:30am-12pm in room 307. Permission forms are required. They have been sent home and are available to sign at drop-off. Come join us to prepare for the 8th grade state science test on May 8.
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
science boot camp
Today is National School Lunch Hero Day! Stone honored our heroes with treat bags and drawings colored by our students. Thank you, ladies, for all you do for our students and our staff all year long! @brevardschools @brevardpublicschools
10 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
cafeteria workers with treat bags