Congratulations to Stone's Outstanding Students of the Month for October 2024!!!
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
oustanding students for october
Students learned about the electoral college in Civics classes with a Coke vs. Pepsi challenge on Tuesday by participating as electors of different states and casting the vote for their state.  They then used to fill in a blank map to see how each period voted. Coke won 5 of the 6 class periods with the votes coming in very close in some classes!
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
civics classes
civics classes
civics classes
civics classes
Join us tonight for Stone's soccer game. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
stone soccer game
Stone's Annual Turkey Trot will be on Friday, November 22. Proceeds to to fill holiday food baskets for families in need. We are also accepting advertisers and gift card donations. Please see attached images for details.
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
turkey trot 11/22
holiday food basket donations
Please use the link to see this week's Stone Gopher Gazette- Principal's Report:
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Gopher Gazette
Join us tonight for Stone's soccer game. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
stone soccer game
Stone’s Speech and Debate Team traveled with their coach, Ms. Smith's, to Ft. Pierce on Saturday to compete in their first tournament. They were competing against 8 different schools and over 80 students, in which more than half were high school age. Three of our six competitors made it to the Semi-Finals. Kiara Lampkin won 2nd place for her amazing speech on the Sixth Amendment. (Most attendees believed she was the TRUE winner!!!) Raven Cole received Incubate Debate’s Ernest Hemingway award. Please congratulate the following students for their hard work, character, and courage for trying and succeeding in a new venture outside their comfort zone. Kiara Lampkin -2nd place Winner Speech Raven Cole -Ernest Hemingway Award Daegan Pierce - Debate Semi Finalist Layla Lee- Semi-Finalist-Speech Kylie Jones-Speech Jazmine Flowers-Speech
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Stone's culinary students in Ms. Smith's class created a Catering Company project. These students collaborated for weeks to create a catering company name and logo, a professionally designed menu that matched the table party decor, professional sales pitch, uniform planning, cooking, and cleanup.
2 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
culinary project
culinary project
 culinary project
culinary project
culinary project
culinary project
culinary project
culinary project
The next five Fridays are not early release. Stone students will be released at 4:15pm to make-up for the missed days due to the hurricanes.
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
hurricane make up days
Thank you to all the students and staff that participated in Stone's Red Ribbon Week activities!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Red ribbon week pictures
Red ribbon weak pictures
Stone's Custodian of the Month for October is Joyce Schaust. Ms. Schaust has did incredible work, went above and beyond her regular duties and has shown great compassion. Thank you for all your hard work!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Custodian of the Month
Great job to our boys and girls soccer team! They played great games on Wednesday against Southwest. Congratulations to our girls who won with the final score of.4-3!!!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Boys soccer
Boys soccer
Girls soccer
girls soccer
Join us tonight for Stone's second soccer game of the season! Game located at PBMHS Football Stadium. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
soccer game
Stone students had a great time as they were "honored" during an honor roll ceremony for students who received all A's or all A's and B's on Friday, October 25. Congratulations to all of the 155 students who achieved these fantastic grades!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
honor roll ceremony
Stone students had a fantastic time at the annual Halloween dance on Friday, October 25!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Stone Halloween Dance
Congratulations to our boys and girls soccer teams for their very first game against Central on Monday! Come join them back at the Palm Bay Magnet High School football stadium for their next "home" game against Southwest on Wednesday at 6 PM! Boys play first.
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
girls soccer
boys soccer
mid game huddle
Please use the link to see this week's Stone Gopher Gazette- Principal's Report:
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Gopher Gazette
The Brevard Walk for Epilepsy and Purple Picnic will be happening on November 2. Please see image for more details.
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
Red Ribbon Week continues this week through October 31. Monday is "Chase your dreams, not drugs!" Wear school appropriate/dress code acceptable PAJAMAS!!!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
red ribbon week
October is Bullying Prevention Month! This Week's Challenge: Look for someone sitting alone at lunch and sit with them or invite them to sit with you!!!
3 months ago, Go-Pher Stone!
October is Bullying Prevention Month